Top 10k strings from Alchemist News - Issue 25 (1997)(Alchemist Research).tap
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3 EGBBGEEEBBB 1 x E Out of data 1 with 10 INPUT #4; LINE a$ changing streams PRINT statements may also containinformation for several streams at a time.The following program will print "one" onthe screen; "two" to a Microdrive filecalled "digits" in Microdrive 1; "three"to station 1 on a network (see chapter 7);and "four" to next line on the screen. 10 OPEN #4;"m";1;"digits" 20 OPEN #5;"n";1 30 PRINT "one";#4;"two";#5; "three";#2'"four" 40 CLOSE #4 50 CLOSE #5 setting colours After using a channel other than thescreen, you ma 1 then the C flag is setto 1. Other bits indicate whether theresult of a certain operation was zero(the zero flag), or was negative (the signflag), or overflowed the register (theoverflow flag). These flags are common toall the machines, though they are notnecessarily in the same position in theflag register. And there are other flagsthat are specific to each machine. Flagsare used in conditional statements 1 that isthe one at the right- hand end in thenormal convention of writing - is thecarry or C flag. If you do an addition orsubtraction 1 or other logical or arithmeticoperations that will require a bit to beborrowed or carried 1 no of parts+1 (ie: 1-38+pt 0=39) 1 ineverything from household budgeting tointernational finance. For an example ofsuch analysis, type in these extra lines. 400 FOR n = 1 TO 6 410 IF a(n) > 3 THEN PRINT a$(n),a(n) 420 NEXT n These lines PRINT a list of corners atwhich more than three accidents haveoccurred. In our example of six corners,these are BROOK HILL and ROWLANDS. If youchange the 3 in Line 410 to 5 and RUN theprogram again, ROWLANDS is PRINTed. (Anynumber greater than 6, the largest value,would cause nothing to be PRINTed.) Theinformation stored in the arrays couldjust as easily be a list of families in atown, together with statistics such asnumber of children, income bracket andnumber of cars. Once these have beenentered, they can be sorted into groups.You can even 1 in both of which eachdata word has a check sum included so thatthe receiving equipment can tell if anerror has crept into the transmission. ARQstands for Auto Request, meaning that ifan error has been detected, the receivingstation transmits signal to the senderasking for the last character to betransmitted. This is quite complex andrequires the user to have a transmitterand a receiver. The other system, FEC(Forward Error Correction) is simpler. Ittransmits everything twice and if the twoversions disagree, the receiver only usesthe correct character. Software anddecoders for both ASCII and TOR systemsare beginning to appear on the market. CAPTURING A SATELLITE With receivers that work at much higherfrequencies it is even possible to receiveand display pictures taken by the AmericanNOAA and Russian Meteor satellitesalthough at present interface 1 cr&)+-0<2> 1 but ithas to do this quite quickly, of course.It usually takes a little time and troubleto get the system set up properly. Acommon problem is interference from thecomputer itself. The first thing is tomake sure that the aerial is as far awayfrom the computer as possible. If thisdoesn't cure the problem then you willhave to shield the computer electronicallyby lining the case with alum-inium foiland wrapping all the cables coming out ofit in the same material. The foil shieldcan then be connected to the ground tostop the interference signals fromescaping. Ano-ther technique is to givethe inside of the computer's case a coatof zinc paint and earth it in the sameway. 1 ar>=<;:9876543210 1 You will have opened stream 4 and linkedit to channel S. Now enter 20 PRINT #4;"This is a Spectrum computer" Again, the line will appear on the screen. (It is not advisable to OPEN to streams 0,1 or 2 as the results are unpredictable.) Chapter 6 DATA AND THE MICRODRIVE Opening and naming a data file When you store information in a cartridgeyou keep it in a files. You also give thefile a name so that you can find it againlater. The statement that opens and namesa data files always takes the same form.For example try entering: 1 You have, at the last count, 3 differentaccounts of what actually happened atRoswell in those early days of July. By default, only one of those accounts canbe true, or they are all true and upto 6craft crashed (1 + 2 + 3 craft), with upto24 alien bodies (4 + 8 + 12) - all in onenight! The real story about Roswell, the realtruth about Roswell, is that we don'treally know what went on there that nightin 1947. The only thing we do know for certain isthat something crashed, and the local Armyairbase decided to issue a statementinforming the world that they hadretrieved a 'flying disk', but these arethe only solid facts about Roswell thatcan be substantiated. The rest of the evidence tends to behearsay, 'my f 1 The address of the beginning of the sub-routine is then written into the programcounters. As each instruction in thesubroutine is executed the program counteris incremen- ted in the usual way until ithits a return It instruction. Then data atthe top of the stack is pulled back intothe program counter and incremented in thenormal way. This explains why, in BASIC programs, eachnested subroutine must be completelycontained in the one preceding it,otherwise the wrong departure addresseswill be on the top of the stack. Now thatyou have some grasp of the more importantconcepts behind machine code pro- grammingyou can find out how they relate to thechips in your computer. There are 21 user registers in theSpectrum and ZX81's Z80 chip. They arecalled user regis- ters because they canbe controlled by the user, or programmer,of the machine 1 TORand ASCII. The ASCII is obvious, as this just usesthe same transmission system but uses theASCII code. TOR (Telex Over Radio) is abit more complicated. There are two typesof this 1 TAPE LOADING 1 SONG BY ST COMPILEJ 1 SONG BY ST COMPILE 1 On the other hand, he hadn't wanted tomove to St. Louis, either, when thefederal government moved out of DC. The sun was hot. He turned and went backto the elevator, waving at Jorge. Heentered the community library on the firstfloor and logged on to the public terminalfor his mail. The house sysop was nagginghim for his vote on the contractnegotiations for house maintenance; thecontract was up for renewal and theowners' group was supposed to vote on theproposals. Although he was mildly annoyedat the Chinese program which hadobstinately refused to learn English as afirst language, he voted for it over theIsraeli program. He really didn't like therigidity of their literary program andtheir restrictions on access to theinfoweb. His contacts at the Bureau stillholoimaged him regularly, and he wasactive in many informal discussion groups;restricted access would cut him off fromthe world. 1 Manic Miner PC V0.5 ------------------- By Andy Noble 1997 First the legal bit. -------------------- This game is released as FREEWARE and Iexcept no responsibility for any damagecaused by using this programme. Theoriginal game is (C) 1983 BUG-BYTE Ltd andSOFTWARE PROJECTS Ltd. Please copy on to anybody you knowproviding you do not charge for theprivalage and this file accompanies thegame. Info. ----- The game was written over a 3 week period,on a night, after work. It 1 Magic Button (i) AN2,p167Magic Button (ii) AN3,p130Magic Button (iii) AN7,p132Magic Button (iv) AN13,10 Magic Button / Hey you device AN15,10 Hey you device (ii) AN16,5 SUPERNATURAL / THE UNEXPLAINED Crack City - Reincarnation AN14.20 Crack City - Time travel AN16,33 More Time travel AN16,43 Crack City - Deja Vu AN18,15 Psychic Phenomenon - P.Howard AN18,21 A Change of Spirits story AN18,47 The Alchemist Foundation humour AN19,18 The Alch Files, Packman Lane AN19,41 The Sheffield BUFORA meet AN20,18 Paradox short story AN20,24 Mother Earth story AN20,29 Alien Invasion AN21,4 Thorpe's Travels AN21,12 Gathering Dust - D Forrest AN21,28 Ghost Story - 1 In short, as you have probably alreadyrealised, all the syntax used within anordinary cassette interface (explained inchapter 20 of the BASIC programmingmanual) applies also to the Microdrive. Erasing programs Suppose you have just finished with theprogram Squares. To erase it, enter: ERASE "m";1;"Squares" (As before "m";1 simply indicates whichMicrodrive you are using.) During the ERASE statement the border willflash. If you BREAK while saving a program thenyou will have an unclosed file in thecartridge. You cannot LOAD an unclosedfiles, and an attempt to do so will givethe report 'fi 1 COPYRIGHTED - NOT PUBLIC DOMAIN! 1 BDDB@B@=;8;68 1 AN25.D 1 AN25.C 1 AN25.9 1 AN25.8 1 AN25.7 I 1 AN25.6 1 AN25.5 m 1 AN25.4 1 1 AN25.35 1 AN25.34 Y 1 AN25.33 1 AN25.32 Y 1 AN25.31 }: 1 AN25.30 1 AN25.3 9" 1 AN25.29 1 AN25.28 1 AN25.27 1 AN25.26 }' 1 AN25.25 1 AN25.24 )& 1 AN25.23 m+ 1 AN25.22 1 AN25.21 1 AN25.20 Y 1 AN25.2 1 AN25.19 1$ 1 AN25.18 1 AN25.17 1 AN25.16 1 AN25.15 1 AN25.14 1 AN25.13 Y 1 AN25.12 1 AN25.11 1 AN25.10 1 1 AN25.1 1 AN25.0 ^' 1 ALCHNEWS 1 ?hr3334466 1 ;"LOADING INDEX": 1 ;" LOADING PART ";CNT;" " 1 5cr><97520- 1 2.00 post and packing(USA $25 including air mail delivery) -order from: Enrico Tedeschi 54 Easthill Drive, Brighton BN41 2FD, U.K. Sir Clive Sinclair has sent the followingletter (extracts) Dear Mr.Tedeschi, ... I would like to say how astonishing Ifound your book. It is so remarkablycomplete and will be a great help to me... Best wishes Sir Clive Sinclair 1 1997 A.Davis & Alch. Research 1 10.00 plus 1 1 per title PD idea AN17,30 IEBA (8BIT) (Re-)Launched AN18,2 Programmer Chris Pile Jailed AN18,2 How Basic programs are stored AN18,5 128 BASIC bugs (iii) AN18,7 Fountain PD Introduction AN18,9 Logic Gates AN18,12 Metric Day Madness AN18,18 The Garden, appropriate poem AN18,31 Coding a demo, Chris Taylor AN18,33 Programs from other machines AN18,41 Putting Together Pascal (i) AN18,53 Classix game finder service AN19,3 Finding game passwords AN19,10 Putting Together Pascal (ii) AN19,11 Fountain PD, revised information AN19,17 Video tape repair AN19,21 Jet Set Willy returns AN19,22 Media Prices at March 1996 AN19,24 Paul's Rantings, with game AN19,29 Impact PD information AN19,32 CD Snapshot file Searching AN19,40 Speccy world records AN19,52 Express Software launched AN19,67 Possible Spectrum fair 1 00000000`00 1 "Enter Part:";cnt: 1 message willbe displayed. If the data is in "String"form then it is necessary to enclose eachone in quotation marks. Two examples areshown below. One is using Numerical DATAand the other string DATA: Numeric Data String Data 10 READ 10 READ a$ 20 READ b 20 READ b$ 30 READ c 30 READ c$ 40 PRINT a 40 PRINT a$ 50 PRINT b 50 PRINT b$ 60 PRINT c 60 PRINT c$ 70 DATA 10,20,30 70 DATA "TOM", "DICK","HARRY" Numeric and string data can of course bemixed and the following is an example ofthis: 1 SETUP PARAMS 1 LOAD PART 1 LOAD INDEX 1 CHOOSE PART 1 ARQ and FEC 1 210 FOR n= 1 TO 6 220 PRINT a$(n), a(n) 230 NEXT n Lines 210 and 230 loop through the list,while line 220 PRINTs out the names andnumbers stored in the arrays. If you findyou've made a mistake then correct it now.When you come to analyse the results ofthe survey, you will want to answerquestions such as 'How many crashes werethere in all?' and 'Which are the safestcorners?'. The lines to find the totalnumber of accidents might look like this: 300 CLS 310 LET total = 0 320 FOR n = 1 TO 6 330 LET total = total + a(n) 340 NEXT n 350 PRINT "Total number of accidents: ";total Imagine how useful the few lines abovewould be if yo 1 theequivalent of IF . . . THEN in BASIC. Inthe machine code equivalent, you writeinstruc- tions which will make the machinejump or branch if the sign or the zeroflag was set, say. THE STACK Another register is the stack pointer. Itholds the address of a memory location.And like all pointers this address marksthe end of an area of memory. Thatspecialised area of memory is, of course,the machine stack. This is aquick- accessarea where information can be storedtemporarily and recalled without thenormal addressing procedures. The stack is like an ordinary pile ofpapers. Then you want to put informationinto it, it has to be piled on the top.And when you want to take something out ofit, you have to take it from the top. Therule is 1 TUNING IN That's the system - what do you listen to?It can be fun just tuning around the dialrandomly, but beware. It is actuallyillegal to receive some transmissions,with a very heavy fme if you are caught.You are allowed to receive the amateurtransmissions which are a found on thesebands: 3.58 to 3.62 MHz 7.035 to 7.045 MHz 10.140 to 10.150 MHz 14.080 to 14.100 MHz Books that give comprehensive lists ofpeople using RTTY are the World PressServices Frequencies ConfidentialFrequency List and Guide to RTTYFrequencies. READING OUT When everythi 1 SEPT 1997 1 TRADING POST Victoria Road SHIFNAL TF11 8AF (Spctrum +2a / +3 hardware and spares UK supplier of SINTECH games) ZENOBI SOFTWARE 26 Spotland Tops Cutgate ROCHDALE OL12 7NX (Leading adventure software house) ZX FILES Paul White 30 The Rowans WETHERBY LS22 5EB (The best Spectrum magazine around!) Z88 Emulator Jeroen Van Den Bilt Keteldiepstraa 1 SINCLAIR 128 KEYPADS FOUND UNDER NEW GUISE The Sinclair 128 keypad has always been asubject of conversation. To stir upinterest in it again I thought you mightlike to know that I've found them in useunder a new guise. A company called HYDRAFEED, based inMilton Keynes in the UK is using a sixbutton device with the usual six way'telephone' type connector on one of theirproducts: the Multifeed Short Magazine BarFeed type ML-1. Although the pad has only six buttons, thecase of the unit has provision for nine. This will mean nothing to anyone whodoesn't know anything about precisionengineering, but the device feeds lengthsof bar into a computer controlled machinefor turning into machined components. 1 SINCLAIR ZX INTERFACE 1 and ZX MICRODRIVE Designed and prepared by CambridgeCommunication Limited Note: The name ZX Microdrive and ZXInterface 1 are trademarks of SinclairResearch Limited Stanhope Road CamberleySurrey GU15 3PS Tel: Camberley (0276)685311 THE ZX INTERFACE 1... incorporates the three functions ofMicrodrive controller, local area networkand RS232 Interface. Connect it to yourSpectrum and you can control up to eightMicrodrives, communicate with othercomputers and drive a wide range ofprinters. THE ZX MICRODRIVE... 1 ONE IN THE EAR FROM CLIVE SINCLAIR by TOM STANDAGE British inventor Sir Clive Sinclair hasgone back to his roots with his latestinvention - the Sinclair X1 Button Radio,the size of a 10p coin. The X1 weighs halfan ounce and is worn in one ear. Tuninginvolves pushing tiny buttons that"search" up and down the VHF spectrum. "It will enable you to listen to yourfavourite station wherever you are, and sodiscreetly that even the person next toyou will be unaware that you are usingit," says Sir Clive. He talks of more newproducts in the pipeline, includinganother radio, a cordless phone and a newkind of portable computer. "We've got someexciting new technology that's quiteradical in design. My feeling is thatportable computers at the moment are toomuch of a compromise, so we're looking atways of achiev 1 UFO's and the Occult Reich by TAL From: Nevada Aerial Research Newsletter P.O. Box 1701 Rock Springs Drive Las Vegas, Nevada 89128. Many civilizations with "flying saucers"exist, and are hidden inside this planet.Beings which generate out of their ownthought, various craft are among us. Thereare also the UFO craft that are built bysurface cultures. All these are linkedtogether in various ways. Most all ofthese are OCCULT (hidden)...and most are"messengers of deception". In 1867, Wentworth Little founded theEnglish Rosicrucian Society. He was incontact with the German Rosicrucians.Little recruited his followers, up to 144people, from the ranks of thehigher-ranking "Freemasons". One of hisdisciples was 1 Man to ride Zike across Thames on tightrope Chris Owen Evel Knievel jumped 13 London buses on aHarley Davidson; Eddie Kidd leapt theGreat Wall of China on a Honda CR500. NowAdam Harper aims to cross the Thames on atightrope using a Zike - "baby brother" ofthe Sinclair C5. As the world agent for the much-deridedC5, the brainchild of Sir Clive Sinclair,Mr. Harper hopes to wipe the smile off afew faces when he uses the inventor's Zike- a zero-emission bicycle - and raise theprofile of electrically-powered vehicles. The Kent cycle shop owner demonstrated apractice rig for his latest stunt today topromote Kensington and Chelsea council'sEnvironment Day. 1 Back in time with Arnold Yates. I thought for our stroll back in time inthis issue I would pass on a few snippitsof information as regards the good oldSpectrum that hopefully will be of use andinterest to you, and maybe give you foodfor thought of other ways to change theSpectrum for the better. Right lets crackon and get started. First what is the diffrence between thethe +2 grey 128k and the +2a black 128k,and why were there so many incompatibilityproblems..? Well the +2 grey is really the old styleSinclair black 128k, thats the one withthe heatsink on the outside, to the rightof the keyboard, this was the mostcompatible of all the spectrums. Theproblems started when amstrad in theirwisdom rewrote part part of the ROM forthe other Spec 1 ARRAYS - THE INFORMATION STORES Dick Ward Arrays are the computer programmer'smethod of handling large amounts ofclosely-related information - for example,long lists of club members with theiraddresses and subscriptions, complexfinancial records, and even lists ofcharacters, weapons or treasure for anadventure game. To store individually eachpiece of information in such a long list,you could enter a massive number of LETstatements. But this would create a longprogram and a lot of typing. What thearray does is to store the information ina far more compact form. Instead of havinga different variable for each item ofinformation, you use a common one, say.And to differentiate between each item,you merely use a figure (or sometimesletter) in brackets. So the first item iscalled A(1), the second A(2), the thirdA(3) and so on 1 ******************************* * * * THE ALCHNEWS INDEX * * (Covers issues 1-24) * * * ******************************* To help you find your favourite articleseasier, or make a preferred choice of backissues, this index gives details of allprimary articles in AlchNews. There aremany extra articles and snippets of newsin the magazine, not listed here. Thisindex is being constantly updated toprovide a full cross-reference ofinformation. For example, Tasword 128 tipscan be found under 128k and in theWordprocessing sections. Articles are classified into the followingcategories: ADVENTURES: Games, tips, hints, adventurecreator techni 1 Converting files between the PC and the Commodore Amiga Lloyd Garland On the face of it, it seems very difficultwithout some form of cable linkage via theserial ports, but there is a simpler wayprovided that the files you want totransfer are not too large. There is a disk available in the publicdomain called "MessySid V2". This is aprogram that will both read and write 720KMS DOS disks on your Amiga. MessySid has restrictions, but it issimple and reliable in use, and is similarin many respects to X-Tree Gold - aprogram that many PC users have used andloved for years now. The restrictio 1 GETTING TO THE HEART OF IT Computers have memories. But they do agreat deal more than just remember things,because they are also able to manipulatewhat they memorize. The manipulation isdone by the Central Processing Unit (CPU),also called the microprocessor. Amicroprocessor looks like any other chipbut it is very different from the others.They are passive devices that simplyremember what they are told to. But themicroprocessor is intelligent. It can add,subtract, moveinformation from one memorylocation to another and shift and rotatetheir bit patterns. And learning tomanipulate and communicate with themicroprocessor is what machine code is allabout. THE HEART OF THE MACHINE Everything that happens in your computeris under the 1 MORE SPECTRUM SQUABBLING Just when you thought things were quiet,up springs yet another war of words. Thistime between BOB BRENCHLEY of FORMAT andour old fiend MARTYN SHERWOOD of servicesunknown. A reader of Format made anever-so-slight comment about Prism andthat prompted a scathing attack of lies byMartyn Sherwood. You will all be pleasedto hear that Mr Sherwood believes that theSpectrum groups are either scared ofAlchemist Research, at our feet or in ourpocket! Mr Brenchley's reply was just asscathing, he said: "If Mr Sherwood spent more time actually doing somethig constructive, and less time inventing new titles for his business ventures and wasted less time designing very o.t.t. letterheads and so called fact-sheets, then just possibly people would take him more seriously." 1 THE GREAT GIANA HOAX ? CLASSIX fanzine can exclusively revealthat the much sort after Spectrum softwaretitle , THE GREAT GIANA SISTERS, was NEVERin fact released on this format. After many years of searching Spectrumowners must now face the reality that thegame which has become more prized than theGremlin Games rarity, Nigel Mansell'sWorld Championship, was stopped inproduction and never hit the high streetshelves. Breaking the news exclusively to Classix,software collector and Spectrum expertextrodinaire ROBERT CHILTON, told us thatthe game was stopped in its tracks aftersoftware giant NINTENDO started legalproceedings against the game's licencees,US GOLD. Nintendo were 1 TUNE IN TO THE WORLD They say that nothing is new. Theinformation revolution didn't start withthe coming of the home computer, but whenGiglielmo Marconi made his first radiotransmissions across the Atlantic way bakat the start of the twentieth century. The real revolution is not the existenceof the technology, but it's sophistication- and this is what the informationrevolution owes to the micro. Today,microelectronic control technology doesn'tonly regulate the washing cycle in yorwashing machine, it has also begun tochange the face of world-wide radiocommunications and this is something inwhich the home user can easilyparticipate. Short wave radio has the ability tosendand receive signals at extremely longdistances, and 1 INFORMATION ARTICLES Emulating the keypad functions AN3,p163Hisoft Basic and Compilers AN3,p170New instant 42 column system AN6 Cleaning computer and tape deck AN6,p120256k RAM? AN6,p12832 column system, even faster AN7 Open letter to dodgy PD libs AN7,p102Establishing special user clubs AN7,p150Forth User Group AN7,p154Rasputin & Propac PD close AN8,p104Soapbox: Unscrupulous cash ins AN8,p106IEBA (ZAT) launched AN8,p110Using Fax paper on thermals AN8,p135Clive Sinclair picture AN9 New AlchNews header and selector AN9 Specialising libraries idea AN9 History of Computing (i) AN9 Computing Terms (i) AN9 Pascal User Group AN9 Elite: Adding a new font AN9 Elite: Hacking game and files AN9 Wrath of God p 1 QL EMULATOR ARRIVES Ole! The QLAY emulator by Jan Venema hasarrived for the PC. It's DOS based andcomes with extra utilities and the Psionutility software suite. It's availablefrom ALCHEMIST EMULATORS on DD or HD diskfor just one pound and runs well on a 386with around 16Mb of RAM. BEWARE OF CRYSTAL Bob Dickson of RDS contacted us a shorttime ago. He'd been approached by a Dutchgroup called CRYSTAL and they wanted hisservices to convert games to the Spectrumand also remarket his software - nowowned by us and distributed by ASW. Theygave big promises and Bob contacted themto obtain more information, but got verylittle. He asked us to find out more. Wedid. We found that they were claiming tonow own The 1 Handling cartridges Every cartridge comes in a protective box;and should always be kept in its box whennot in use. When you take a cartridge out of its box(being careful not to touch the tapeitself) you will see that it has a labelon the top and another on the side. Push the cartridge firmly into the slot inthe front of the Microdrive, making surethat the label on the side faces upwards.This will leave the top of the cartridgeprojecting by about 1/2cm. The Microdriveand cartridge are now ready to be used. When you have finished using thecartridge, pull it carefully out of theMicrodrive, and replace it immediately inits box. But remember... NEVER TAKE T 1 Z88 Hints & Tips Part One J.E.Lawrie 1) Securing leads on small plugs. Small plugs of the type which are used toconnect the PSU to the Z88 are prone toearly failure because of flexing of theconnecting wires. There is no suitableanchor provided. But, you can make one! After making good soldered joints, wrap apiece of soft wool around the ends of thewires and the joint until you have enoughon to make the cap a fairly close fit.Unscrew the cap, smear the wool with alttle glue and re-fit the cap. If you havedone a good job you will have a "moulded"connector which will give long service. 1 BACK TO BASICS Part 3 by Ken Beer A Program having been entered into theComputer is lost as soon as it is switchedoff and therefore some permanent store isrequired. So the first thing I want todiscuss is how we SAVE our programs. We dothis on a cassette tape just as you wouldrecord a music tape but certainprecautions are neccesary SAVING A PROGRAM The first thing required is a good taperecorder to avoid the disappointment offalse loadings. A stero tape-recorder canbe used but it may be necessary to connectboth left and right channels together.This will provide a stronger input signalto the recorde 1 TRADING POST ************** Please enclose a SAE with your enquiry toall services. If purchasing from a privateindividual, make confirmation the articleis still for sale and try not to send cashunless a premium delivery service is used. SERVICES REMOVED: IMPACT SOFTWARE: Closed down. EMILY SOFTWARE : No longer manufacturing. SOFTSELL / SSH : Closed down. If your group isn't listed, please get intouch and we'll add your details. * * * * * ADVENTURE WORKSHOP 36 Grasmere Ro 1 Hove Books Products and Services SINCLAIR ARCHEOLOGY. The complete photo guide to collectabl models - 130 pages / A4 format - more than 300 pictures - written by a collector for collectors - backed by 35 years experience - publisher HOVE BOOKS in Brighton - author Enrico Tedeschi - ISBN 0 9527883 0 6 THIS is not the usual kind of book thatyou read and then put aside, never to lookat again. IF you are interested in obsoleteelectronics for historical reasons or justplain nostalgi 1 Grey Fox by Sarah Stegall Fox Mulder woke up from a dream about DanaScully and lay looking at the ceiling ofhis room. It took longer and longer to marshal histhoughts now; the days when he could leapout of bed clear-headed and sharp as atack were more than a decade behind him. Aphotograph fades with age, he thought tohimself. Surely a photographic memory doesthe same, eventually. Carefully, bracing for the pain in hisarthritic neck, he turned his head to thebedside table to look at the photographsthere. They were always the first thingshe saw in the morning and the last thingshe saw at night, the only invariableritual in his life. The photograph 1 INDEX (1) AN25.0 : This file. AN25.1 : THE DEFINITIVE SPECTRUM MANUAL. A book no user would be without. AN25.2 : NEWS. Happenings in the SpectrumAN25.3 : World. AN25.4 : REVENGE OF THE SINCLAIR KEYPAD. The editor finds one - in the engineering industry! AN25.5 : THE GREAT GIANA HOAX. Was this game ever written. James Waddington thinks not... AN25.6 : THE SINCLAIR RADIO. Sir Clive is back sellin tiny radios again, going full circle back to where he first began. 1 CREDITS Greatful appreciation must go out to allwho helped in the production of this finepublication. Notable thanks must go to: Editor: Andy Davis Bsc Sub-Editor: Desmond Tyler Sam compiler: Ferry Groothedde AlchNews tapes: Michael Harrop Original Programming: Dominic Morris Later Programming: Andy Davis United Minds Paul Howard Miles Kinloch 128K Music: Agent-X Chris Taylor United Minds 1 NEWS Latest Happenings SORRY ARNOLD Unfortunately we forgot to include ArnoldYates's BACK IN TIME section in AlchNews24. Normal service is resumed and a largeslice of humble pie for the Ed, please. C5 ADVICE Still with Arnold, he suggests to avoidany Channel five interference and toimprove the Spectrum screen display byusing a monitor. He uses a Microvitec Cuband Amstrad CTM-640 monitor. For thelatter you can pick up a lead from yourlocal TANDY store, or contact LloydGarland at Alchemist Software who makesleads to order. 1 -Alchemist on the Web- communion/5/rbenson.html ------------------------------------------ DB2 PLUS THREE DISC BACKUP UTILITY (KOBRASOFT) ` 2 My name is Roy Longuard, the goverment is lying to you, History as we know it, is a lie to hide the truth... Roys Trouty Wibble Page >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Some brief reviews that I've been meaning to get around to doing... 1